KB Motivate. Make goals. Set a goal for yourself……….

Mar 7th, 2016

Category: Thoughts & Motivation

KB Motivate. Make goals. Set a goal for yourself……….

Today in class, I shared with all of my participants that last night while having dinner with my daughter, that “Mamma ( that’s me) is going to get her six pack back!”  My sweet daughter, Kolla, sweetly said; “Mom, are you going into BEAST MODE”?.  I replied, “yes, honey, I am”.

I told her that I feel better sporting a six pack!  It’s all about feeling your best in the body that you have, no matter what your best is.  It’s your best.  No one else’s.

So, today in class, I announced to everyone my goals and intentions.  I made myself accountable.  Nothing like putting it out there for 40 people to hear.

Make a goal for yourself.  Share that goal with your friends and family and everyone else.  No goal is too small.  An accomplishment is an accomplishment.

But, hear this.  No goal can be achieved without a plan.  A road map.  A well thought out path to how to get to where you want to be.

In order for me to achieve my goal, I have planned out my food week already.  I am ready!  I have prepped a large container of an amazing salad.  I have roasted beets, carrots, rutabagas, potatoes, acorn squash and brussel sprouts.

I have apples, bananas, oranges, pears, raisins and prunes on the ready.

I roasted two whole chickens yesterday, one was last nights dinner and one made a chicken “no yoke noodle” soup to last the week.

I have a london broil marinating for one dinner and the freezer stocked with my lean meats and fish.

I am ready.

I never leave the house without my lunch box.  Not even on the weekends.  I am prepared.

Sometimes life throws us, we get distracted, overwhelmed, and lose focus.  I tell my clients and students alike “Don’t let the leash get too long.  Rein it in”, I say.  I am reining in!

Plan your success and success is yours to be had.

The key…………….plan your path to reach your goal.  No goal is too small.

In health, Kirsten


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