Tighten and Tone on the Floor

Jun 22nd, 2016

Category: Training

Tighten and Tone on the Floor


As a loving reminder; as with all of my workout suggestions, please pick your pace depending on your body mechanics.  You are in charge of yourself.  I’m here to motivate!  Clue into your perceived exertion rate!



Begin the workout by doing core conditioning exercises for 5 minutes as a baseline for a warm-up.


From a side lying position, body in a straight line, hips stacked; begin by drawing top knee towards shoulder, keeping the leg at hip height and on the horizontal plane, continue moving the leg forward and back to starting position for 30 reps.


Switch sides.  Repeat.


Begin on original side, side lying position, body in a straight line, hips stacked; draw top leg forward, maintain a long leg (straight) with a very slight bend at the knee.  , keeping the leg at hip height and on the horizontal plane, continue moving the leg forward and back to starting position for 30 reps.


Switch sides.  Repeat.


Back on the original side, side lying position, body in a straight line, hips stacked; perform both movements, but alternate the movements, performing 30 repititions total per side.


Lie on your back; draw both knees into chest from behind your thighs and draw down.  Think of a big bear hug around the back of your thighs.


Back to a side lying position, body in a straight line, hips stacked;  place top leg, folded at a 90 degree angle behind you, with foot placed flat on the floor, lift the forward leg straight up toward ceiling.  Keep the lifting leg’s foot flexed.  Perform 20 reps.


Switch sides.  Repeat.


Back to a side lying position, body in a straight line, hips stacked;   place top leg, folded at a 90 degree angle; with foot placed flat on top of the lower legs inner thigh (or as close as you can manage ;)) lift both legs.  Keep your focus on the oblique’s, or your side, and your inner thigh of the lifting, as you perform your lifts.  Be mindful not to roll back, or tilt forward as you lift and focus on your waist and inner thigh to perform the lift.  Perform 20 reps.


Switch sides.  Repeat.


Back on the original side, side lying position, body in a straight line, hips stacked;  keeping both legs long;  lift the top leg as high as you can, maintaining side lying position, and have the bottom leg meet the top leg.  Think up-up-down-down.  Perform 30 reps.


With this workout, as with any, always be mindful to stretch out the muscles that you trained.  In this particular session, it is my recommendation to stretch out your hips, low back, inner thighs, quads and hamstrings.  

If you need help or assistance with guidance to your stretches, please consider my FUNCTIONAL FLEXIBILITY VIDEO available on my ‘STORE’ PAGE.  Your tool for ongoing guidance for stretching for optimal wellness and relaxation.


In health and happiness, Kirsten


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