Planning, PLAIN AND SIMPLE is the key to success.

Oct 12th, 2016

Category: Foods for Fuel

Planning, PLAIN AND SIMPLE is the key to success.




If you have a goal, a wish, a vision, you need a road map to get there.  No matter what the goal is, you need a plan.


You are busy.  I for one am always busy, just as you are, just as we all are.  With children, running my own business, managing my children’s activities, the home, and finding time to enjoy life and its many pleasures and experiences to be had and enveloped; the only way to make it all work and balance it all out is to have a PLAN.


The plan itself takes work.


Let’s take a regular work week.  Meals.  Oh, the dreaded “what’s for dinner” question.  I find myself so much more relaxed and stress less if I know the answer to that question.  I really do.  It gives me a sense of calm leaving the house in the morning knowing what is planned for dinner.  If you are the responsible one for this task, you understand exactly what I am talking about.


I take the time before the week begins to do all of my food shopping.  I have all of my proteins purchases and everything else that I foresee I will need to balance out those meals.


I take into account what our weeks schedule looks like for myself and my children and realize how much time I can dedicate to putting a healthy well balanced meal on the table for my family on each of the evenings.


I prep a “base” of fresh veggies.  Some don’t need to be cooked in advance but they do need to be in the fridge! 😉  My root veggies I roast, I par-boil potatoes that can sit in the fridge, ready to be cut up for home fries, completed to be mashed, cut up to be scalloped, the sky’s the limit, but the prep is key to success.


I put two proteins in marinade ready to roll, depending on what kind of mood I fall into for that evening’s meal.  Then there is my beloved slow cooker.  If you don’t have a slow cooker, you need one.  It is the best investment you will ever make!


I prep a container of fruit salad.  I prep a container of washed, rinsed, and dried greens for my “base” for any salad and have tomatoes, cucumbers, and whatever the heart desires to complete the salad for that particular evenings meal.


It’s really not hard.  It takes planning, it takes preparation, it takes the time to take a moment and prep for your busy and hectic week.


I for one do not enjoy grocery shopping.  I would much rather do anything else.  The less time I spend in a grocery store the happier I am.  So I prepare, I shop, I freeze, I prep.  I prep for success and these are wonderful “life lessons” that I am teaching my children as well.


Believe it or not, when the salad container runs out, my son is the first to say, “Mom, we are out of salad!”  It can happen.


Feed your body well, feed your body whole.  Feed with the intent to nourish, to rejuvenate, to replenish, and when the body “runs out”, it will tell you what it is craving.


Teach your children; teach your family how to “EAT WELL” and their bodies as well as yours will crave the better choice.



Just as well with your fitness program.  Every well balanced fitness program needs to have a FUNCTIONAL FLEXIBILITY component as well to make it well balanced and whole.


If you are tight, if you are stuck, if you are in pain…………………..your body is CRAVING a sound STRETCH!


In health and happiness,



KB Fitness


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