Mar 7th, 2016

Category: Foods for Fuel


The most important meal of the day.  Breakfast.  Here, I am getting ready to enjoy my favorite whole wheat stone ground fig bar, pears, prunes, and soon to be topped of with some almond butter and a dollop of non-fat greek yogurt.

No better way to gear up the day for me!

At every meal, try to think of all the food groups.  Here in my bright, happy bowl, I have my carbs, protein, fat, and my dairy.

On cold mornings, I enjoy warming up my fruit before I add the yogurt and almond butter, and WOW.

When you go to fuel your body, take a pause and ask yourself:  how is this going to NOURISH me?

Eat to live.  Will it offer your body nutrients and sustainability?

We train to get results.  We should eat that way too.  Not only for health and wellness but for disease prevention.

Live well, Kirsten



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